Queer Dating App Just Launches Thirst Mode For Pride Month

Are you ready to turn up the heat this Pride season? There's a new way to connect with other queer singles that's as hot as a summer fling. With this exciting feature, you can let your inner desires run wild and find the perfect match for you. Say goodbye to the traditional dating app scene and hello to a whole new way of making connections. So, what are you waiting for? Get ready to switch into thirst mode and find your perfect match now! Check it out here.

The month of June is a time for the LGBTQ+ community to come together and celebrate Pride. It's a time for love, acceptance, and visibility, and what better way to honor Pride Month than with a new feature from one of the most popular queer dating apps on the market? That's right, Just, the dating app designed for LGBTQ+ individuals, has just launched Thirst Mode, a feature specifically for Pride Month.

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Thirst Mode: What is it?

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Thirst Mode is a new feature on Just that allows users to express their desires and intentions more openly. It's a way for users to showcase their confidence and be more upfront about what they're looking for in a potential partner. Whether it's a casual hookup, a serious relationship, or simply a fun night out, Thirst Mode allows users to make their intentions clear from the get-go.

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This new feature is a game-changer for queer dating, as it empowers users to be more direct and honest about what they want. It's a step towards creating a more open and accepting dating environment, where individuals can feel comfortable expressing their desires without fear of judgment or rejection.

Why Thirst Mode is perfect for Pride Month

Pride Month is all about celebrating love and acceptance, and Thirst Mode is the perfect way to embrace these values. By allowing users to be more open and honest about their desires, Thirst Mode promotes a culture of acceptance and understanding within the queer community. It's a way for individuals to connect with like-minded people who share their interests and intentions, fostering a sense of unity and support within the LGBTQ+ community.

Additionally, Thirst Mode is a great way to break down the stigma surrounding casual dating and hookups within the queer community. It's a way for individuals to express their desires without feeling ashamed or judged, and it promotes a more sex-positive and inclusive dating culture. By embracing Thirst Mode during Pride Month, users can celebrate their sexuality and desires without fear of ridicule or discrimination.

How to use Thirst Mode

Using Thirst Mode is simple and easy. When creating or editing your profile on Just, simply toggle the Thirst Mode switch to "on" to indicate that you're open to more casual and upfront interactions. This will allow other users to see that you're interested in connecting with people who share your desires, and it will make it easier for you to find potential matches who are on the same page.

When browsing through profiles, keep an eye out for the Thirst Mode badge, which indicates that the user is open to more direct and honest interactions. This will help you find like-minded individuals who are looking for the same things as you, whether it's a casual fling or a serious relationship.

Thirst Mode: A step towards a more inclusive dating culture

Thirst Mode is a game-changer for queer dating, and it's a step towards creating a more inclusive and accepting dating culture within the LGBTQ+ community. By empowering users to be more direct and honest about their desires, Thirst Mode promotes a culture of acceptance, understanding, and support. It's a way for individuals to celebrate their sexuality and desires without fear of judgment or discrimination, and it's the perfect way to honor Pride Month.

So, if you're looking to embrace a more open and honest approach to dating, be sure to check out Thirst Mode on Just. Whether you're looking for a casual hookup, a serious relationship, or simply a fun night out, Thirst Mode is the perfect way to connect with like-minded individuals who share your interests and intentions. Happy Pride Month!